Open an Account
Thank you for choosing to open a Trade Account with Link Distribution UK Ltd.
Below you will find our downloadable Application Form, Terms and Conditions and a list of requirements needed to open an account with us. You don’t have to be VAT registered and we are happy to supply to sole traders, we will just need evidence of your selling platform, i.e. your own website, proof of your retail store, or an eBay or Amazon selling page.
Please note that all applications go through our due diligence process and we may ask you for additional documents to those listed below.

Click below if you’re a
Limited Company:
1 Fully Completed Application
Fully completed Application form signed by a director
2Terms and Conditions
A copy of our Terms and Conditions signed by a director
3Certificate of Incorporation
A copy of your Certificate of Incorporation (or equivalent if outside of the UK)
4VAT Certificate
A copy of a valid and up to date VAT Certificate (if you are within the EU) – Please let us know if you are not VAT Registered
5Photographic ID
Director photographic ID
6Letter of Introduction
Letter of Introduction – This should be on your company letterhead and be signed by a director..
Partnership/Sole Trader:
1Fully completed Application
Fully completed Application form signed by the owner
2Terms and Conditions
A copy of our Terms and Conditions signed by the owner
3VAT Certificate
A copy of a valid and up to date VAT Certificate (if you are within the EU) – Please let us know if you are not VAT Registered
4Photographic ID
Photographic ID
5 Letter of Introduction
Letter of Introduction – This should be on your company letterhead and be signed by a director.